
Can Green Tea Help With Weight Loss? Green Tea Benefits

Losing weight seems to be quite a common goal among many people these days. In turn they are turning to natural and inexpensive products and services that can help with losing weight naturally. Green Tea is getting popular among many groups helping them in their weight control efforts.

Not only does it help in losing weight but also may have the ability to help prevent certain kinds of cancer from developing. Chemicals known as polyphenols that are present in Green Tea have antioxidant properties. These powerful antioxidants may have positive effect on weight loss and maintenance, strengthening the immune system and protecting against disease. It has been shown to help decrease cholesterol.

Green Tea can be very effective if drunk without sugar and milk. You can also get the extract if you do not get used to the taste right away. According to recent studies, green tea helps in reducing weight by stimulating body's thermogenesis process. During this process the body raises its temperature or amount of energy output. When there is an increase in this process within the body, the metabolism raises and fat cells are used as energy supporting this metabolic increase.

Green Tea contains many such compounds that have this same effect. Great thing about this tea is that it does not increase the heart rate so it can be considered safer than diet pills. Ephedrine and other similar pills work by stimulating thermogenesis as well but at the risk of increasing heart rate.

Being overweight also means higher risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular problems. Green Tea does not put any pressure on the heart which makes it a perfect choice. Ephedrine and similar diet pills are not recommended in case of heart problem but green tea is a safe option in that scenario. Exercise levels may be increased without risking any heart problem.

Weight Loss can be achieved by either controlling what you eat or by increased energy out. Chemical present in Green Tea helps losing weight by increasing the output of energy. It is believed that catechin present in the tea helps in the process.

If you go for Green Tea diet, always keep in mind that this tea contains caffeine. That means cutting off coffee and other caffeinated drinks. Even decaffeinated beverages should be avoided because the caffeine may destroy the beneficial properties of the plant. Watch your diet. If you think you need to balance out the calories you lost by eating more, you are not going to lose any weight. If you want to lose weight fast, you can reduce calorie intake or increase exercising.

Lots of people are incorporating tea as a part of their daily diet. It contains only four calories per serving and most effective when consumed without adding anything else. The caffeine in tea increases body function helping burn more calories.

While green tea seems to be safest choice among adults, drinking more than five cups a day may lead to caffeine related side effects like headache, sleep problems or nervousness. The caffeine may also aggravate health conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Author has helped family and friends by sharing her knowledge about all natural resources to help fight weight related issues. She is a freelance writer, check out some of her other reviews at Sewing Machine Reviews and Car Seat Reviews.

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