
Food Cravings - Willpower Is Not Always Required

Eating is a pleasurable experience.

As adults we carry many favorable memories linked with food. Therefore, we tend to gravitate around foods that provided past positive experiences or strong emotions.

We are all unique on what foods we like and do not like, however most of us share the same taste for sugar, fat and salt.

We inherently require these types of foods.

Fat is needed to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and supply essential good fats for vital organ functions. Some fats contain Omega-3 fatty acids that prevent depressed moods and aging of the brain. The body requires sodium to regulate fluid balance and muscle and nerve function. Natural sugar provides emergency energy for tired muscles and a foggy brain. One must not try to eliminate these foods but seek out healthy alternatives than junk foods.

Majority of people would say that food is the only thing that shuts down cravings. A craving is a message from the brain to fulfill a particular requirement for optimal functioning. The brain lets us know that there is a deficiency somewhere that needs to be replenished. Because the brain doesn't clearly tell us what exactly we need and where the levels are inadequate, we need to take a few minutes to pinpoint what is going on with our mood and how we physically feel.

We need to work with the cravings and not against them. How many times have you tried avoiding your craving by eating around it. You picked this and nibbled on that coming to realize you have eaten half the house out so you may as well have the bowl of chocolate ice cream. It's not about willpower or resisting temptation as the brain will not ease up on its demands until it is satisfied. You will not win.

To satisfy cravings without risking weight gain we need to choose higher quality foods instead of refined processed foods loaded with sugar and MSG. The mental and emotional benefits of these foods are short term and promote further cravings. If you are craving fat then reach for good fats such as nuts, seeds, guacamole, eggs, almond butter and olive oil dressings. The more we choose healthier foods to satisfy a particular craving it will decrease the intensity of further cravings.

If you choose to go with a not-so-healthy food option such as a processed food item, you need to be wary that it is designed to be seductive and addicting encouraging you to keep eating. Try nibbling and savouring, enjoying the experience instead of woofing it down. Remain in the moment and aware of how it is psychologically making you feel.

One thing is clear that in order to correct whatever deficiency there is it involves real foods that contain valuable nutrients and not junk foods void of nutrients. When incorporating healthier snacks you will eventually become to enjoy real foods turning you away from damaging foods that rob you of your good moods and induce further nagging cravings resulting in weight gain.

Treena Wynes
Registered Social Worker

who focuses on emotional-eating and problematic eating behaviors that contribute to weight-gain. Our emotional and mental health play a significant role in weight-loss and weight management.
Find me on Twitter under "moodyfoods"

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