Motivation for losing weight comes in many forms but the facts suggest if you are 20% over what is considered an average or ideal weight for your height, you are fat. I could use the polite term and say obese, size challenged, or even overweight! To hear a young child say "mummy, that lady is fat, isn't she" is very hurtful. As adults, we know it to be the truth, as children have not learnt the niceties of being diplomatic.
That is enough to get a person motivated if they have enough commonsense to realize that it is time to do something for themselves and correct the situation.
Another great motivator is after a visit to the doctor for some unrelated complaint or so you think and he or she says to cure the complaint you have to lose some weight. Overweight brings with it so many other associated complaints that surely would put some one in to motivational overdrive. Carrying extra weight puts a huge strain on your joints, and legs, not to mention the circulatory system. This is where I find swimming ideal as a gentle means of losing weight safely and comfortably.
Families can be great motivators, how awful not seeing your children grow up and achieve the awesome potential they have. Do you want to be stuck in the lounge unable to move because of your weight or other health issues caused by your self-indulgence? I am sure you would rather join in their activities, whether together or from a sideline cheering their team on. A recent documentary on weight issues also had an overweight man say that after losing his weight he was able to enjoy intimacy again after not doing so for a very long time. Obesity affects all parts of our life, particularly family life in many ways.
Motivation could be "all about me" you have reached a point in your life where you are tired of trying to find clothes that you like and fit. One becomes tired of forever wearing XXL tee shirts and track pants! You need to focus your mind on achieving a goal that is right for you. It is about visualizing your self in six or twelve months wearing, doing, sharing in activities that are currently not doable.
It is time to start considering a means of exercising to enhance a more healthy diet. It is not desirable to change your eating habits suddenly. Slowly drop small fatty sugary snacks, change your milk to a slim or skim milk. Subtle changes to eating habits coupled with daily exercise in five-minute blocks, over time will in themselves become motivating and encouraging. As you see weight loss occurring and your health and fitness improve it becomes an uplifting experience and life becomes happy and exciting again.
Maman is a sixty plus liberated woman despite having a husband and four children. She trained as a nurse and remains interested in health issues. Spent many years farming achieving farm mangement qualifications and a real insight into animal husbandry. The next career change included a Diploma in Real Estate and business management, covering buildings and their construction. Growing older then included some time in the hospitality industry and business.
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