
There Is a Healthier and Safer Way to Lose Weight Than Diet Pills

Can you lose enough weight in a week to fit into that outfit? You have an important event coming up in a week and you want to wear that special outfit but it's a little tight on you. Can you lose enough weight to make it fit? Good question...and it is possible to lose 3 to 5 pounds in a week but it will take work. Are you ready to work hard at it?

Many will say to use weight loss supplements and you can lose enough but it will be mostly water weight. Plus, you'll gain it back after that important event -- so why bother? Wouldn't it be better to lose it permanently?

Diet pills, among other things, contain ephedra (also called Country Mallow or Heartleaf). Or rather their active ingredient is ephedra. Ephedra causes high blood pressure, heart rhythm problems, and heart attacks and can even cause death. There are better ways to lose weight and they are much healthier for you.

Other ingredients in diet pills are Guarana (100 times more caffeine than coffee) and Bitter Orange both will cause the same problems as ephedra. Plus, since supplements aren't regulated, what else do they put in them? Some herbs used in diet pills don't work well with other herbs. Do you really know what they put in diet pills? Are the risks worth that?

Using natural weight loss remedies can help with weight loss and it will stay off. Your body is designed to keep you alive no matter what you do with it. If you starve your body, it will go into survival mode and you won't lose any weight. But if you feed your body it will let you lose all the weight you want. Here what you do...

Eat what you normally eat but cut the portions in half. If you eat half a pizza then cut it down to a fourth of pizza. If you eat two bowls of cereal in the morning, cut it down to one bowl. If you eat at Burger King for dinner then cut your burger in half and eat the other half later. Or order the kids dinner. A healthy weight loss program will work better than diet pills.

Cutting your portions in half and feeding your body every two or three hours tells your body there's lots of food and it kicks up your metabolism --- that's what will allow you to lose weight in the fastest possible way to fit into that outfit. If you do this for a week you'll lose 3 to 5 pounds and be able to fit into the tight outfit for your special occasion.

Want to know more about what foods are good for losing weight? Want to discover the power of your body and more ways to lose weight and keep it off! Visit What Foods have Carbs to find the best healthy weight loss program for you to lose the amount of weight you want.

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Weight Loss Plans: Your Mind Is the Key to Winning the Fat Loss Challenge

Stop and take a quick inventory of the things that you do to lose weight, remain in shape and/or just stay healthy. Out of the items you thought of make a brief checklist of the items that work and the things of which are not working. If you tend to be like most people you will find that most of what you are doing is not working. Even the weight loss plans you have tried have failed.

Most people have some common things they try like exercising on a regular basis or watching their fat intake. However, if you take a good look at everything you do to stay in shape you will have to be honest with what is working and what is not. More specifically consider what is working regarding weight loss?

Fat reduction is not as much a physical battle as most lend it credit. Instead, weight loss is much more of a mental struggle. Even hunger cravings become more intellectual than physical. When individuals contend with hunger cravings you merely have to succeed in the struggle in the mind and keep away from eating food. As long as you have excess weight there is no danger of missing a couple meals, however your mind will attempt to convince you otherwise. Therefore, whenever you can win the mental battle to skip the meal then that meal gets skipped. Have you at any time seen a stomach feed itself?

Amongst the best approaches to shed extra pounds is to re-think those things your mind is convinced concerning losing weight. Many begin a diet plan not feeling they can lose the weight from the start. Instead, re-program your mind to know that losing weight is possible. By simply re-programing the mind you can be presenting it a fresh reality, one which is persuaded that you confidently can lose the weight. A person's mind has both negative and positive beliefs. The beliefs that rule are those that triumph. Many people have achieved completely impressive things that baffle researchers simply by believing constructive thoughts about achievements they wish to gain. Equally, negative thoughts are able to tear up a person from the inside out. Just think what your mind's negative opinions has currently done in regard to weight loss to you.

It is entirely your decision to trust that your body owes it to you in losing weight. Likewise it is possible to believe that you cannot procrastinate another day for the weight to begin coming off. Beginning today you ARE going to lose weight. Everyday that you delay to accept the initiative to lose weight is an additional day you allow your brain to believe it is impossible to lose the weight. Rather, begin believing immediately you deserve to lose the weight.

For those who will not recognize that you can lose the weight, it will never happen. Positive beliefs alone will not trigger weight-loss. Dreaming yourself thin cannot cause you to be thin. Training for weight loss is a mental process.

This is why you need an approach to take action. You need a plan, not just a diet program which can help you recognize weight loss is possible. One of the finest strategies that I am familiar with is Eat Stop Eat. Eat Stop Eat is a plan that easily shows you everything to do for weight loss. Not only will it supply you with a perfect plan to lose weight but also the solution to maintain the muscle mass you already have while just getting rid of excess fat. Losing weight does not need to be complicated or unclear. Eat Stop Eat gives you everything you should do in an easy and clear-cut approach. However, the key to it working is ultimately decided by you. There is nothing else you need whenever you begin Eat Stop Eat while the best part is just how uncomplicated it really is.

What you need more than anything to lose weight is a belief system and plan to that offers you an approach to take action. Again, if you confidently think that you can lose weight you can. At this point it is up to you to put a plan into place to make that happen. Once I discovered a strategy that demonstrated how effortless weight loss could be there was nothing that stopped my mind from trusting it. As I said before, the single thing that is keeping you from slimming down is you.

Copyright 2011 Scott Michael Ringo

Learn about weight loss plans that Really Work----> http://www.clearlyfitness.com/

ClearlyFitness.com is a website that is devoted to helping people learn affordable and effective ways to get and stay in shape that you can do anywhere you are in the world.

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Weight Loss Supplements Should Not Replace A Healthy Diet

Although most Americans claim to not believe in magic, many are too quick to believe in fantastic weight loss schemes. They are lured in by the idea of instant weight loss that requires little or no effort. Many weight loss products come with big promises printed on their labels, and too many Americans buy in without doing enough research to know what's safe and what isn't. Maneuvering through the thousands of weight loss products to find out what really works can be a daunting task.

So, how do you know what weight loss products are good for you and which to avoid? One way that you can know is by carefully reading the directions for use. If the product requires you to stop eating anything but the product, take a second look at the label.

Weight loss supplements should not replace a healthy diet. Nutritionists could tell you that you need certain nutrients in order to stay alive. These nutrients are basic-a full range of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and fats are the nutrients you need in order to survive. You also need calories from carbohydrates. Without calories, you won't have any energy to go about your daily business, and your body will not be able to function properly. These are the things you must look for when reading the label. If a supplement does not provide you with all of these necessary nutrients, you still need to eat food while taking the supplement.

If a weight loss supplement doesn't provide you with these essential nutrients but still requires you to eat no food, it will probably still make you lose weight. That's because you will be starving yourself. Your body and your brain will suffer considerably from starvation, and one of the results may be rapid weight loss. You might look better, but you'll feel terrible.

Some supplements contain stimulants or substances that mask feelings of hunger. That way, you may still feel like you have energy, despite the fact that you're starving. This is another reason to read the label carefully. If some of the ingredients are unfamiliar to you, look them up to learn what they do to the human body.

When it comes to weight loss products, don't simply trust the bright promises on the labels. Do your homework to learn what is safe and what could harm you. Starvation is not good, even if it temporarily makes you lose weight. Most people can only starve themselves for a short time before they have to begin eating again. As soon as they do, they find the fat they have just lost coming right back on within a number of days. A truly healthy balanced diet is a much better alternative.

Richard Bonn is the SEO Strategist behind Awesome Medical. Awesome Medical is the World's Largest Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Network with directories for nonsurgical procedures like Botox to advanced procedures like Body Lift. For more information visit Plastic Surgery Marketing Guide.

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Top 4 Ways on How to Burn the Most Calories When Running - Optimize How to Run to Lose Weight

Everyone knows that one of the most fun ways to burn calories is by running. It's also one of the best ways to do it. Running is an activity that most anyone can do. It doesn't require any specific equipment or area. A person can run at any time of the day, anywhere they may want. Unfortunately, not a lot know how to burn the most calories with this exercise. There are some tips that can increase the fat burned while on a run.

Losing weight while running is achieved through the cardiovascular aspects of the sport. When the heart rate goes up, it signals the rest of the body to burn more fats to use as fuel. Learning how to burn the most calories on a run can save a lot of time and effort.

Here are the top four things a runner can do to increase the amount of calories burned when running. With these simple reminders, anyone can master how to burn the most calories while running.

1) Fuel is Food

This whole process stars with the proper dote for running. Some people may think that not eating and then exercising would ensure fast weight loss. This is not the case. If the body does not have the right amount and kind of food it needs for this strenuous exercise, then it wouldn't be able to function well. The other end of the spectrum is equally important to monitor as well. A whole mile would only burn 100 calories. Using up more calories while running than was consumed is the essential bit. Eating more whole grains, fruits and vegetables is a trick on how to burn the most calories daily.

2) Create Your Own Schedule

Another tip on how to burn the most calories while running is staying motivated with a definite schedule. This would monitor each day's performance and show the runner how he or she is progressing. It would also prevent injuries by keeping one's pace at an acceptable level.

3) Make it a Regular Thing

One would have to actually run to lose weight and do this regularly. Doing this exercise only once every few weeks would not yield the expected results. In order to live out how to burn the most calories running one would have to have a consistent running regimen. The more running that happens, the less pounds are left each time.

4) Challenge the Body

Not doing too much at the beginning is good but not doing more as time goes by isn't. Going for a high-impact running routine would lose more weight in a shorter amount of time. Learning how to burn the most calories quickly would entail understanding the body. With the running speed increased, the metabolic rate would have to keep up. A faster metabolism would continue to consume calories throughout the day.

Discovering how to run and lose weight at the same time is a no-brainer. Knowing how to burn the most calories while running is not something everybody does. Dieters should though because it would save them time and energy. Doing one exercise correctly would spare them from having to do it again. Following these simple points on how to burn the most calories while exercising would definitely benefit any aspiring runner out there.

Diet and exercise go hand in hand when it comes to losing weight. I have recently started a diet called Calorie Cycling. I find that combining exercise and diet has helped me tremendously. Visit my blog now @ http://caloriecycling.net/ to read my diet journal and learn how I lose 21lbs in a month.

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Why You Are Not Losing Stomach Fat

Stomach fat- arguably the toughest area of the body to tone can be a diet killer and total motivation destroyer. It takes much patience, proper dieting and a large amount of exercise to really tone the abs and burn stomach fat. If you think you can get six pack abs with little or no work, you are in for a real surprise. If you have been struggling to burn off stomach fat and flatten those abs, here are some reasons why you are failing:

Diet Mistakes - I chose this first because it is simply the most important part to losing stomach fat. Remember, abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym. To start, make sure you have cut all fattening snacks and processed sugar out of your diet. Make sure to up your vegetable intake and lower the amount of carbs you take in each day, especially enriched carbs. This will create the calorie shortage needed to burn fat and boost your metabolism.

Lack of Exercise - A proper diet is going to slowly shrink your waist size, but it will not give you the full effect as if you were properly targeting the abs with exercises. Simple Mason twists and pike and roll-outs will stretch the abs, strength them, and push them out to give you a better, more toned look.

Lifestyle Problems - While this may be a general category, it is still very important. Drinking alcohol is not necessarily part of your diet but has been known to increase the cortisol levels in the body. If you are not aware, cortisol is a chemical which increases fat production in the body. Stress has also been linked to an increase in fat deposits through multiple studies. Finally, if you are not sleeping enough, then chances are you are not going to lose much stomach fat. Sleep is vital for a multitude of reasons. First, sleep allows for the muscles and organs in your body to recover and heal from the stresses of exercise. Second, sleep allows for your super-charged metabolism to break down fat while you are sleeping. Third, sleep allows for the mind to unwind and allow you to stay motivated and focused on your goals.

Whatever the reason, make sure to stay true to yourself and keep yourself focused on your goals. Losing weight and stomach fat is something you need to grind out each and everyday until you finally are satisfied with your accomplishments.

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Weight Loss Through Diet and Science

When embarking on a weight loss journey it is important to keep balance and moderation in mind. By cutting too many calories your body will go into a starvation mode, which means it tries to hold onto the fat by slowing down the metabolism, thank our cavemen ancestors for that! Therefore making weight loss even more difficult. Your metabolism will generally start to slow down after a week of strict dieting. In order to lose a kilo a week you must cut 3500 calories per week from your diet. This can be divided into 500 cals per day. Either by cutting 500 cals out of your diet per day, or exercise which burns 500 cals, or even better cut 250 cals off your daily requirement and exercise which burns 250 cals.

So on the days you are not exercising you must cut 500 cals from your diet for that day. See below to work out your current daily requirement and then do the workings to work out your new daily requirement to lose a kilo per week. generally losing 1-2kgs is healthy, any more then that and you are mainly losing water and muscle. To help increase metabolism it's important to do weights, this helps to increase muscle which in turn chews through the fat, 1 pound of muscle will burn 50 calories at rest! so get those muscles pumping! Don't worry ladies, the most amount of muscle women can put on is about 2-4kgs. Men have the added benefit of testosterone to help increase their muscle size! If you are a woman and find you can put on muscle easily it is important to increase cardio such as running (best), walking and cross trainer, and perform high repetitions of 12-20reps for weight bearing exercises.

Simple ideas to lower your calorie intake:
cut white potato, eat only sweet potatocut all processed foods such as bread, cereal, biscuits, lollies, chocolate, ice cream (if it's in a packet it's usually processed)cut white rice and pastacut sugar (Just one tsp can lower your immune system for up to 4hrs!!!) use stevia instead (a natural sweetener from health food stores)

Eat mainly:

vegetablesfat trimmed meat: steak, fish, chicken (no skin), kangaroo, turkey (size of a deck of cards women roughly 150g and men 200g)eggsnatural low fat yoghurt, not vanilla!wholegrain muesli, or whole oats porridge with cinnamon and stevia for taste (not honey or sugar)2 pieces of fruit only

Some exercises which burn: (for a 70kg person, if you weigh less then you burn less, weigh more and you will burn more)
265 cals burnt during 35mins of light jogging420 cals burnt during 1hr of cycling330 cals burnt during 30mins of boxing450 cals burnt during 1hr of high intensity aerobics370 cals burnt during 30mins of skipping260 cals burnt during 30mins of moderate swimming110 cals burnt during 30mins of weights (remember this increases your metabolism so you end up burning more after you have done the work!)

To find out your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR):
Your weight in kilos x 24.2 (for a 20yr old woman)your weight in kilos x 24.2 - 2% (for a 30yr old woman)your weight in kilos x 24.2 - 2% - 2% (for a 40yr old woman) (for every decade minus another 2%)

For men:

Your weight in kilos x 26.2 and for every decade above 20yrs - 2%

ie: If you're a 40 yr old woman and weigh 70kg

70kg x 24.2 = 1694 - 2% = 1660

1660 - 2% = 1629 calories

1629 - 500 = 1129 calories on non exercise days

1629 - 250 = 1379 calories on exercise days - 250 calories burnt during exercise.

Do that every day for a week and you should lose 1kg.

note: 1kg of fat = 3500 calories!

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Leading 5 Weight Reduction Techniques

Losing weight sounds straight forward however, it can get difficult in the event you do not know how to begin. Here is the leading five most significant ways you are able to shed weight and moreover maintain it.

Eat Much less-
This first one sounds clear however, it cannot be highlighted strongly enough. The only highly effective strategy to slim down is use up more calories in comparison to what you consume. One effortless means of performing this is by enjoying much less in the way of eating. As a matter of simple fact, the only way any of the well-liked diets trigger weight-loss is due to the fact you wind up having much less whilst you comply with them. It does not make a difference if the diet plan is reduced carb, high protein or even low fat. So long as you are really consuming much less calories from fat than your basic prerequisite you will shed weight. The best and most successful fat decreasing method I recommend is Eat Stop Eat.

Perform High Intensity Interval Training -
Large intensity, complete body training will make certain that you will be burning a lot of fat laden calories and working all of the muscle tissues inside your body. This has better results than conventional cardio exercises for several factors. Very first high intensity cycles burn far more calories than cardio will. Second, they produce and tone muscles which keeps your metabolic rate up.

Assemble a Fat loss Team -
Support is definitely the most essential factor to acknowledging your weight reduction ambitions. Getting a high number of your respective close pals and household in your corner make the goals more attainable. The higher number of folks which are supporting your success the more motivation you have. Make certain you regularly have no less than two or 3 individuals to phone that can support you on the right track whenever you really feel like ditching a workout or being disloyal on your nutrition strategy.

Eat a greater amount of Vegetables and Fruit -
This would seem to be somewhat straight forward nonetheless, it is among the most efficient steps you can take to shed weight. Fruits and veggies can occupy a great deal of space within your stomach and satisfy you with out adding a large number of calorie consumption. They can also replace some high sweets and high fat food you might have eaten in its place.

Specify Small Duration Goal Intervals-
Smaller term goal setting is usually overlooked and is also a potent tool in order to realize your final ending goal. From the beginning, set objectives for every single morning, day and night. Organize brief term objectives in relation to finishing every workout, along with your fruits and vegetables. Establish this every single day, and also mark it down every time you accomplish the goal. Anytime you develop the task list of objectives you are going to acquire self-assurance and momentum toward your overall weight loss target. Maintain the list anywhere secure and always keep marking down every single objective as you accomplish it. In a while you will have a great set of goals and objectives you have attained and can be enthusiastic about, each and every modest bit counts.

Follow these best 5 weight loss techniques for just a little time, and you will definitely fulfill your weight reduction goals in no time.

Discover which weight loss programs work best----> http://www.clearlyfitness.com/

ClearlyFitness.com is a website that is devoted to helping people learn affordable and effective ways to get and stay in shape that you can do anywhere you are in the world.

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Release Excess Belly Fat - Hot Tip: PACE, Primal Lean and The Power of Change

If you were battling to achieve unwanted weight loss goals, I've great news for you personally. Your answer to weight reduction doesn't lie in exterior tools, however in the power that is available inside you. The important thing to unleashing that ability is by learning and using ultimate understanding. It's simpler to use this ability if you are using proven techniques and/or physical helps to help you in your weight reduction journey.

Weight reduction, or even more precisely, fat loss isn't the same as other challenges that you simply face inside your daily existence. The important thing to succeeding at weight reduction, just like any useful goal, would be to invest in the lifestyle modifications that should be made to accomplish this goal. Furthermore, just like any useful goal, the pride and satisfaction you receive from achieving that goal will strengthen you and provide you with the confidence to attain much more you've dreamt of. To be devoted for your goals, you need to be motivated. Motivation originates from and continues due to visible evidence, which comes out of your effort of creating a 180-degree change in your way of life. This might seem out of the question, but it's quite possible if you're motivated to get it done. Understanding and going through the energy of healthy lifestyle options provides you with the motivation you have to achieve unwanted weight loss goals, that will result in a level healthier lifestyle.

A famous US doctor, Dr. Sears, is correct in saying that our lifestyle, our food causes us to be fat and overstressed. It's no surprise that the entire world is struggling with weight problems and related health issues. While nobody can control what's filled on our local food store's shelves or what marketers inform us is good or healthy for all of us to consume, we have left positive actions, which will improve our overall health.

Enhancing our overall health is really a useful goal for people, along with a goal that's certainly achievable too. This is actually the primary message behind Dr. Sears' PACE, which includes the brand new knowledge of fitness, body fat loss, and elevated lung energy, the very best predictor of one's life time. Dr. Sears discloses the self-destructive defects contained in common exercise advice that's distributed by many today, and provides you with an agenda that will allow you to achieve an excellent degree of personal health.

PACE doesn't require to buy costly workout equipment, nor will it need you to purchase gym membership and go to the gym every single day. PACE is an excellent method that's possible anywhere and anytime. It offers to achieve rapid body fat burning. You can buy it as a physical book and also as DVD. The workouts are understandable and easy, as even slow walking counts being an exercise. The bottom line is to gradually enhance your performance. Every day, you'll feel good, that will encourage you to definitely remain on the road of fit life.

If you want to assist in suppressing your appetite, doing PACE and eat a healthier diet plan, you can take Primal Lean, a 100% natural pill which will block your hunger. Primal Lean may be one of the best weight reduction formulas out there. It was formulated by Dr. Sears. Primal Lean will not replace physical exercise, and it does not make a healthy diet plan unnecessary, but for everyone being an honest companion on the road to your healthier, thinner you. Hunger is really a primary reason in stopping people from achieving weight loss. However, Primal Lean helps to stick consequently and for a longer time (at least 10 weeks) to healthier food. Primal Lean will help you take control of your portions to ensure that you are able to help your body right into a slimmer, sexier, healthier shape.

Just like before starting any new lifestyle regimen, talk to your physician. Weight loss is an issue for both of you.

To learn more about Primal Lean's key nutrients, you may visit http://www.staywellbiz.com

After 20 years work as a German medical translator, Gina is searching the web for high-quality weight loss products. Her mission 2011 as an infohunter is to deliver a series of 365 articles dealing with the different aspects of weight loss as well as programs, products and tools that may ease the process. Sometimes the most unexpected helps.

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Using Warp Speed Fat Loss To Lose Weight Naturally

Obesity is one of the biggest health problems plaguing the developed countries. While the standards of living have improved due to technological advancements in every field, the problem of lack of physical activities has surfaced. The result is the accumulation of undesirable fats in the body making obesity an alarming condition. As usual, medical professionals were quick to develop drugs to counter it, but these always carried side effects. The current practice which has shown considerable success rate is to educate the people about the importance of dietary control and regular exercise to watch the weight. Warp speed fat loss is a cost effective program dealing with the problem of weight loss with an all-natural solution. The importance of balanced diet along with regular daily exercise recommended by warp speed fat loss is beneficial for everyone and is very easy to follow.

Dieting is the technique of taking food in a regulated order to maintain a controlled weight. Diets involved in weight loss programs are generally categorized as low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie and very low-calorie. Low-fat diets contain a reduced percentage of fat and can result in average weight loss of 2 - 3 kilograms. Low-carbohydrate diets restricts intake of carbohydrates. High-carbohydrate diets such as bread or paste are replaced by low-carbohydrate diets such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts etc. Low-calorie diets can cause 0.5 kilogram to 1.0 kilogram weight loss in a week. Very low-calorie diets provide around 200 to 800 calories per day. Diets of this nature can produce an average weekly weight loss of 5 to 8 kilograms. These diets cause starvation and are thus not recommended.

Your weight depends on the number of calories you take versus the number you can consume. This involves a little bit of mathematical calculation. Using food charts you can calculate the number of calorie intake and also find out the number of calories which you consume. If the intake is more than the consumption, there is every possibility that you will gain weight. Thus a balance is required to be struck between intake and the consumption. Warp speed fat loss, a dietary plan, will recommend a plan specifically designed for your body which will allow you to eat and lose weight at the same time. The emphasis of such a plan is on picking the right foods, balancing all the necessary ingredients for a wholesome daily intake.

Switching to a healthier diet will make your life more enjoyable. Shying away from all those fatty foods, burgers, chips and hotdogs may be difficult at first but will pay dividends in the end. Regulating the food intake will lead to loss in the fat stores of the body at speeds which will amaze you. Warp speed fat loss manages the daily intake requirements on behalf of its users and provides them with a healthy and balanced diet plan.

Building your ideal body figure with the use of Warp Speed Fat Loss is easy and fun. For more information, please visit the Warp Speed Fat Loss review website now.

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Food Cravings - Willpower Is Not Always Required

Eating is a pleasurable experience.

As adults we carry many favorable memories linked with food. Therefore, we tend to gravitate around foods that provided past positive experiences or strong emotions.

We are all unique on what foods we like and do not like, however most of us share the same taste for sugar, fat and salt.

We inherently require these types of foods.

Fat is needed to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and supply essential good fats for vital organ functions. Some fats contain Omega-3 fatty acids that prevent depressed moods and aging of the brain. The body requires sodium to regulate fluid balance and muscle and nerve function. Natural sugar provides emergency energy for tired muscles and a foggy brain. One must not try to eliminate these foods but seek out healthy alternatives than junk foods.

Majority of people would say that food is the only thing that shuts down cravings. A craving is a message from the brain to fulfill a particular requirement for optimal functioning. The brain lets us know that there is a deficiency somewhere that needs to be replenished. Because the brain doesn't clearly tell us what exactly we need and where the levels are inadequate, we need to take a few minutes to pinpoint what is going on with our mood and how we physically feel.

We need to work with the cravings and not against them. How many times have you tried avoiding your craving by eating around it. You picked this and nibbled on that coming to realize you have eaten half the house out so you may as well have the bowl of chocolate ice cream. It's not about willpower or resisting temptation as the brain will not ease up on its demands until it is satisfied. You will not win.

To satisfy cravings without risking weight gain we need to choose higher quality foods instead of refined processed foods loaded with sugar and MSG. The mental and emotional benefits of these foods are short term and promote further cravings. If you are craving fat then reach for good fats such as nuts, seeds, guacamole, eggs, almond butter and olive oil dressings. The more we choose healthier foods to satisfy a particular craving it will decrease the intensity of further cravings.

If you choose to go with a not-so-healthy food option such as a processed food item, you need to be wary that it is designed to be seductive and addicting encouraging you to keep eating. Try nibbling and savouring, enjoying the experience instead of woofing it down. Remain in the moment and aware of how it is psychologically making you feel.

One thing is clear that in order to correct whatever deficiency there is it involves real foods that contain valuable nutrients and not junk foods void of nutrients. When incorporating healthier snacks you will eventually become to enjoy real foods turning you away from damaging foods that rob you of your good moods and induce further nagging cravings resulting in weight gain.

Treena Wynes
Registered Social Worker

who focuses on emotional-eating and problematic eating behaviors that contribute to weight-gain. Our emotional and mental health play a significant role in weight-loss and weight management.
Find me on Twitter under "moodyfoods"

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Lose Stomach Fat by Choosing The Right Exercise For You

When we get to that point, that we know we must do something to lose stomach fat, we accept that it must involve exercise. What type of exercise is a little harder to define? Questions of should I pay membership fees or should I go out and buy equipment are all things that we may consider.

One thing no one seems to think about is that they should choose an exercise they like doing in order to lose stomach fat. With all the information that is currently available about high impact exercise, low impact exercise, strength training high fat burn workouts, it is expected that deciding what you want to do will take some time.

If you can't find something you like to do, choose something you hate the least, which will normally be walking. Everyone can walk and it is great exercise. Intensity and duration can be changed to suit your needs. It can be a social experience if you can family or friends to walk with you.

However, it is probably better to look for a proven fitness regimen. Something that will lose stomach fat, by burning maximum fat in minimum time. Something like a fat burning workout that you can either do in the comfort of your own home or in a gym. A regimen that will be performed in forty-five minutes or less.

Start at a low-level of intensity and build it up over a period of weeks, which is essential to maintaining the effort and focus of losing that stomach fat. Don't forget to consult your Doctor if you have not done any exercise for some time.

If you think that you are in really bad shape, start off by walking for 10 minutes each day. Then, increase it by 5 minutes every 2 weeks. Then when you feel that you are able to do more that is the time to look for an organized fitness

If you have never tried a gym or fitness centre, then now might be a good time, they will have different types of equipment for you to use and will normally have trainers on hand to guide you and to answer any questions you may have.

Signing up with fitness program on the Internet might also be another opportunity for getting rid of that unwanted weight. Turbulence training is one such program, which is at present receiving wide acclaim. It is one that can be performed at home or in a gym has differing types of workouts depending on your needs.

You can lose stomach fat with their Revolutionary Turbulence training fat loss system. It will enable you to lose stubborn belly fat, burn more calories and sculpt your muscles with just three short workouts a week.

It's easy to find out, from the web site. Which includes all the information you might need including e-books, workouts and testimonials from satisfied weight losers.

If none of this takes your fancy and it doesn't inspire you to start your weight loss exercise then you can always resort to getting involved in some kind of sport. Golf, tennis or swimming are all good weight loss sports. Cycling is another if you enjoy cycling. There are many others, of course. However, if your goal is to lose stomach fat an organized fitness regimen as mentioned previously might be the only way to go.

Stephen J Skyvington-Diplock has been active on the web for a number of years. He is enthusiastic to learn more about weight loss and fitness through the Turbulence Training program. You visit http://turbulencetrainingreviewnews.blogspot.com/ or reach him at skydco@tiscali.co.uk.

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Factors To Consider Before Deciding On A Weight Loss Center

Majority of people who are obese and are hoping to reduce their weight turn towards a weight loss center to fulfill their dreams. Even those people who are not obese, but who dream of looking fit and leading a healthier lifestyle opt to enroll in a weight loss center to make their dreams a reality.

A weight loss center also known as a fitness retreat or an adult fat camp offer quite a lot of programs catered to the individual needs. The programs normally include different kinds of workouts as well as varied kinds of exercises.

Additionally, as these days more and more people are extremely conscious of their health and their fitness, the number of weight loss centers is progressing tremendously across the globe.

With the increasing number of adult fat camps, the lay man needs to be very careful while choosing the right weight loss center. A few factors need to be kept in mind before enrolling in a weight loss center so that in hindsight, one need not regret their decision.

Choose an adult fat camp that performs groundwork evaluation test to ascertain your explicit medical condition and your weight reduction necessities and designs fitting individualized programs based on the same.

Another factor to bear in mind is the cost of the programs that the fitness retreat offers. Try to evaluate if the programs offered in these retreats is worth the cost. Also as most of these adult fat camp offer accommodations for their programs, the cost of these sessions can possibly be quite high. Evaluate your budget thoroughly before enrolling in any of these centers.

Since the workout programs offered at a fitness retreat will customarily be painstaking and tiring, check if the accommodation they offer is comfortable and all the basic amenities are available. Additionally since most of the fitness retreats offer balanced low calorie food, check if the food is nutritious, flavorsome and palatable.

Inspect each of the adult fat camps to determine if they have a history of producing results. Furthermore determine if they have expert trainers, skilled dietitians and nutritionists and counselors in addition to health care professionals.

Pick a center according to your personal preference but make certain the fitness retreat has a record of producing outcomes. Whatever the type of boot camp instructor you prefer, he or she needs to be understanding and willing to deal with all your wants and not ask you to disregard your injuries or bodily pains.

There is no harm in checking out if the fitness retreat provides any trial sessions to keep you aware of the facilities, the type of workouts as well as the approach and the attitude of the staff. Shedding those extra pounds can be fun and painless if the ambience is favorable and pleasant.

Use the internet to the maximum to research a lot and to compare the various facilities provided in each of these centers. It's only after a lot of conviction that one needs to move forward to enroll in any of these centers.

Being an expertise in writing articles, Peter S. Jacob has contributed articles related to weight loss centers. For further information on fitness programs contact weight loss boot camp.

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Complete Weight Loss Program

What makes up a complete weight loss program? Over the next few paragraphs this question will be answered. Most people achieve some weight loss when going on a program, but most programs only include one component of weight loss. When you go on a healthy diet plan you will lose weight. When you start exercising you will lose weight. When you address the reasons causing your weight loss and set goals for the future you will lose weight. But to get the optimal the results you must combine all components into a comprehensive program.

The first and most important part of any weight loss program is eating an adequate and balanced diet. This must not be confused with starving yourself. A balanced diet includes meals from all food groups in moderation. You must not completely exclude any type of food, just eat it in moderation. You wont find a long-term solution from limiting yourself from the foods you love. This will improve long-term compliance with the program, and you stay sane and happy in the meantime!

The biggest mistake people make when changing their diet is not eating enough! Starving yourself is detrimental to weight loss. You may find in the first few days you will lose weight, but long-term you will put twice as much on. When you stop eating enough food, you body goes into life saving mode. This may sound extreme but let me explain. You body doesn't know when your next meal is going to be, and starts storing energy as fat in your body. When you do finally eat again, the same thing happens. Your body needs energy to survive, so you store more and the cycle continues. On the other hand, if you are eating regular nutritious meals, your body starts to learn that it doesn't need to store energy, and is constantly burning more of it. In other words your metabolism speeds up id you eat regular small meals.

The next most important part of your weight loss program is exercise. Without exercise you will only reach half of your weight loss potential. In simple terms to lose fat you need to burn off more energy then you eat. Research has found that the optimal amount of exercise is for a minimum of 30 minutes of constant cardio exercise (walking, jogging, cycling, swimming etc). This should be done at least 4 days a week for optimal results. The best way to exercise is with a friend! This will keep you motivated and more importantly interested and you will never get bored.

This last aspect of long-term sustainable weight loss is finding out what caused your weight gain in the first place, and changing this. This may sound simple but can often be a complex task. Some people may even need psychological help in dealing with certain situations to aid with their problem. If there is something, and event or incident in the past, that causes your stress and anxiety, which in turn makes you turn to food, you must address these underling issues. If not, there is a high chance you will go back to your old ways. If you find you regularly snack because you are bored, substitute your snacks for healthier alternatives. If you drink a lot of soft drinks, simply don't have them in the house, and so on.

Goal setting is an important part of long-term weight loss, particularly when it comes to being motivated to stay on track. Start off by setting a long term big goal, "i want to lose 40 pounds in the next two months'. Make it reasonable, achievable and set a time frame. Them break this up into smaller goals, "I need to lose 5 pounds a week for 8 weeks to get to my goal". Now it sounds much easier and achievable. Then get to work! Try your hardest to lose those 5 pounds by next Sunday. When you do, you will be more motivated to lose more the week after, and so on.

In summary, a comprehensive, long term sustainable weight loss program should include the following: a balanced healthy diet plan, an exercise program and goal setting.

My name is Susan, I have recently discovered the fastest way to lose weight and would like to share my story with you. For more complete weight loss advice and articles like this one please visit my blog at fast-way-to-lose-weight.net.

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Why Should You Not Be Ashamed Of Adult Fat Camps?

This is because most of our routine today does not involve any exercise. Most of our work is automated and most of us have jobs that involve sitting in front of a computer on a desk. As such we do not get to do much physical activity we tend to put on weight. This leads to us going out of shape. Also contributing to this is our diet. Long gone are the days when our diet would be nutritious home cooked food. This day and age we don't have the time to sit down for a wholesome meal. Most of our daily food consists of fast moving junk food that is deep friend and consists of enormous amounts of calories and fats. These do not get used by the body due to lack of physical activity and eventually end up getting stored in our body.

Therefore we tend to grow fat. Obesity is one of the leading problems in the world today and all these are factors that lead to obesity. Also there are many problems that come with obesity. Apart from the very obvious getting out of shape, obesity will increase our cholesterol levels that can lead to many problems. Fat deposits in our body reduce the flow of blood that leads to the decrease in the supply of oxygen. Excessive fat in our body can lead to high blood pressure and many such cardiac related problems that might be fatal. Therefore it is imperative that you start taking preventive measures now and make sure that you take care of your problems before they get out of hand.

This is where adult fat camps play a part. Fat camps are nothing to be ashamed about, especially if you look at today's fat camps. These camps are held in exotic locations with facilities that would put any spa or Jacuzzi to shame. There are many facilities in these camps that would work out well for adults who are looking to lose weight fast. The best way to work out in these camps is to get the help of your personal trainer. You will have a personal trainer for yourself who would help you regulate your diet and also motivate you to work out harder. This way you can stay in shape and eat the right food.

There are many group activities that you can take part in as a part of a fat camp. You can make sure that your days don't go waste as you lose weight and get back in shape and improve the quality of your life. With all the spa Jacuzzi and sauna treatments that you receive at your adult fat camp, it would remind of you nothing like the stereotypical idea of fat camps that are propagated. Take control of your life and enroll yourself in one right now!

Peter Michelle is an expert author, who is presently working on the site adult fat camps. He has written many articles in various topics like boot camp vacations. For more information contact wight loss bootcamp.

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Weight Lifting For Weight Loss and Muscle Gain

Weight lifting is perhaps best known for helping men to bulk up on muscle mass. Certain weight lifting strategies can help body builders to achieve truly impressive musculature. Other strategies are designed to strengthen muscles without making them bulky. In any case, women's muscles are not naturally designed to be bulky. They can grow and be strengthened considerably without noticeable bulking. Most women who lift weights gradually look leaner, but they do not become like body builders.

Muscles require a lot of energy from you in order to function and grow, and it is this energy-hungry tendency that makes gaining muscle mass a powerful weight loss tool. Assume, for a moment, that you do not do any weight lifting, and that you have a fairly stable amount of muscle mass throughout your body. Your muscles have a certain specific calorie requirement; you have to get a certain amount of calories from carbohydrates and fats to support your muscles' needs.

Now assume that you continue eating the same diet as before but you start lifting weights. Your muscles begin to grow, and as they do, they need more calories to support them. If you are still eating the same amount of calories as before, you will suddenly need more calories than you are actually consuming. What does your body do to provide your muscles with the calories that they need? At this point, your body turns to your fat stores and begins burning them up to provide calories to your muscles. That means that you are losing fat!

But before you get too excited at this idea, remember that muscle is much heavier than fat. When you first start gaining muscle, you might actually gain weight even though you are skinnier. As you keep burning up your fat stores, though, eventually, you should start to see weight loss. That's because you eventually start burning up your fat faster than you can gain muscle.

Weight lifting is most powerful as a weight loss tool when combined with aerobic activity. Aerobics strengthen the lungs and that all-important muscle, the heart. Also, aerobic activity burns up lots of calories in a short period of time, meaning that your body will have to dig into its fat stores sooner to provide your muscles with their energy needs.

Also, remember that your diet is another part of the weight loss equation. You must control the amount of carbohydrates and fats that you eat. If you eat too many calories, your body will not need to dig into its fat stores to fuel your muscles, and you won't burn fat. It's a simple concept.

Richard Bonn is the SEO Strategist behind Awesome Medical. Awesome Medical is the World's Largest Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Network with directories for nonsurgical procedures like Botox to advanced procedures like Body Lift. For more information visit Plastic Surgery Marketing Guide.

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Burn Fat Quick - How to Get Perfect Abs and Lose Love Handles

There are no short cuts to a great body. If you want to get perfect abs abs lose love handles you need to:

workout properlyeat properlyget enough sleep anduse a good fat burning supplement

This is a four step approach that can really help you get a stunning body that can make heads turn.

Exercise is important to make your body burn fat quick and there are literally hundreds of exercises that can make your body burn fat quick and fast. Normally, people do crunches, leg raises etc., to get rid of belly fat. These exercises are not bad but they are not great either.

On the best exercises that can help you get perfect abs and make you get rid of love handles is the dumbbell push and punch technique.

Here is how you do it;

Lie down on the floor with your feet placed firmly on the ground and knees raised. Take a medium weight dumbbell in your right hand. Raise your left hand and pull it back slowly. At the same time, try to punch through your right hand with the dumbbell in it. Try to do it in a crisscross motion.

Repeat this exercise with the dumbbell in your left hand.

This is a highly effective exercise to help you get great obliques and to get rid of your love handles. Try to do 12-15 repetitions of this exercise. If you find it somewhat hard, begin with a light weight dumbbell. Trust me, doing 12-15 repetitions can be quite a challenge. You can try doing this exercise 2-3 days a week and trust me you will be surprised to see the difference in your belly once you stick to this exercise for a couple of weeks.

Besides such exercises, it is also important to eat sensibly. Make it a point to cut down on fats, carbs and sugars in your diet. Once your body fat is as lower than 7-8%, you can get those perfect abs. However, it is important to include essential fats like Omega 3 in your diet since they are important for the production of fat burning hormones. Try having nuts and olives to ensure that you get enough of such fats.

Another common mistake that a lot of people do is that they do not get enough sleep. Lack of sleep not only increases stress but is also associated with a drop in the production of fat burning hormones. Your body needs enough rest to recover from a good workout.

Besides the above, it is also important to have a good quality fat burning pill that can make your body burn fat quicker and faster. A good fat burner not only helps boost your metabolic rate but also helps reduce your appetite so that you can lose weight really fast.

Check out the Best Fat Burn Pills that can make you lose 3-5 pounds a week so that you can get perfect abs and a slim body.

Click here if you want to know how to Burn Fat Quick with the Best Fat Burner that has helped thousands of people lose weight really fast and that too without any side effects.

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Weight Loss Made Simple and Safe

Over 40 million individuals worldwide are obese, meaning one is 20 percent over his/her ideal body weight. A huge factor in this equation is the lack of knowledge about weight loss, and what is effective for a safe weight loss to occur. Unfortunately, there is also a wealth of information and mis-information out there regarding weight loss which can be confusing for many. Weight loss requires determination, effort, and commitment but the process can be made simple and easy for most people to understand.

An individual gains weight by consuming more calories than he/she is burning. In order to lose weight it is necessary to create a calorie deficit, calories consumed needs to be less than calories burned. If 3500 calories, which is equal to one pound of fat, are deducted from one's diet, there will be a result of a one pound weight loss over the course of a week. One should strive for a 1-2 pound weight loss per week for a safe, slow, and steady decrease in body weight. A common misunderstanding is the desire to lose a large amount of weight in a short period of time, and thinking this is healthy.

Weight gain does not occur over a short period of time, and therefore should not be lost quickly. The body wants to stay in homeostasis, maintain its current internal state (current weight). Therefore if the weight is lost very quickly, the body cannot adjust properly to such a dramatic loss, and will do whatever it can to hold on to calories to go back towards maintaining homeostasis, one's previous weight. Losing weight gradually allows the body to adjust and better maintain the loss in body weight.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to create a calorie deficit to lose weight, but it is possible to create an unhealthy calorie deficit. This means an adult taking in less than 1200 calories per day is consuming too few calories to support the individual's daily activities, never mind exercise. A deficit of 500-1,000 calories is a safe deficit to lose 1-2 pounds per week, and have enough energy for daily activities and exercise (American Dietetic Association). With such a severe decrease in calories, one's body goes into starvation mode. This is when the body knows it is not getting enough calories so it starts to conserve energy by storing all of the calories coming in, not allowing one to shed excess weight. If this deficit is continued, the body will eventually begin to breakdown one's muscles and use them as energy. This is why it is strongly discouraged going below 1200 calories per day.

Contrary to consuming too few calories, taking in too many calories because one thinks he/she is exercising vigorously and needs the extra calories, also creates weight gain. This is why it is important to calculate the number of calories a person burns throughout the day including exercise. This number of calories should not be increased if one is trying to lose weight.

If one is exercising vigorously, such as at a marathon or triathlon, then it is very important to fuel and refuel the body properly before and after each exercise session. In order for one to work hard and put in all of his/her effort into the workout to burn as many calories as possible, there needs to be fuel (food) in the body before starting the workout. Thus a pre-workout meal is very important in the weight loss process. After exercise one's metabolism is at its highest, meaning it is capable of burning the most calories, and should be refueled immediately after a workout session to be prepared for the next one. This will ensure the body will not break down muscle to replenish what was lost through exercise. The pre and post workout meals, however, need to be within one's calorie allotment for the day.

The importance of calorie consumption should not be overlooked when it comes to weight loss. The amount of calories coming in need to be less than the amount of calories being expended; this will allow for weight loss to occur. A slow and steady weight loss is most effective for losing and maintaining one's weight loss. A dramatic cut in calories is an ineffective method of weight loss causing the body to enter starvation mode. A large increase in calories due to exercise is also not recommended as it will cause weight gain. A very effective way to jumpstart one's weight loss is through a retreat, with proper pre and post workout meals throughout the day. With this knowledge in hand, along with determination, effort, and commitment, the rate of obesity will no longer be on the rise.

Margot Rutigliano is the owner of Vita Vie Retreat. She has been a fitness trainer, wellness coach and healthy living adviser since 1999. Vita Vie Retreat is a fitness retreat offering healthy lifestyle transformation programs for men and women of all ages and fitness levels. For more information or to contact Ms. Rutigliano, please visit http://www.bvretreat.com/.

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Circuit Workout Routines For Beginners

Circuit training is type of workout routine that has been used for decades by sports teams and the military. This technique has been picked up by fitness centers and "fitness bootcamps" and for good reason. It is an incredibly efficient method for getting people in shape in record time and it gives trainers the ability to train (and charge) large groups of people at one shot. It is the method I use to condition myself and my high school soccer players.

This type of training often involves using weights but can be performed exclusively using bodyweight exercises. A third mode would be to use a combination of bodyweight and weights. I use bodyweight circuits with my soccer players. When I perform circuits I use a suspension trainer for some of my exercises. Typically there are between 8-12 exercises which alternate between upper and lower body. I like my circuits to take a whole body, upper body, lower body, sequence. There should be between 21 and 30 total sets. Rest between exercises can vary from 30 seconds down to no rest.

The length of the rest period makes one of these workout routines last from 15-30 minutes. My workouts (both my own and the ones I use for my athletes) have no rest period between exercises. Most fitness experts consider circuit training to be a moderate intensity exercise but by shortening or in the extreme case, eliminating rest periods, you can reach the level of cardio of interval training without the dangers of the overuse injuries that come from repetitive, steady state cardio. You also have the added benefits of resistance training.

One more anecdote about the benefits of circuit training. A year and a half a go I stopped running and performing conventional (bodybuilder style) weight lifting for conditioning, and adopted mostly bodyweight, with a small mixture of dumbbell circuits. I am just as strong, faster, and more defined than I was prior adopting this method. Additionally, I and have more endurance than I did before due to carrying less body fat.

Now that you have some good information on circuit training. Here's a bodyweight circuit that you can try yourself. Try to get through the sequence 3 times. If you must pause, try to make it for no more than a minute, at the end of the sequence.

60 Jumping Jacks
15 Pushups
20 Walking Lunge
10 Lying Hip Extension per leg
Wall Squat 45-60 seconds
Plank 60 seconds
5 Burpees
50 High Knees

Get your Free Fat Burning Workout Routine at http://turbulencetraining4u.com/

Clint Grimes, is a retired US Navy commander. He is certified by the California Interscholastic Federation and is currently the strength and conditioning coach for the boys soccer teams at El Toro High School in Lake Forest, CA.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

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Water: A Weight-Loss Catalyst

Water has always been known as the key to hydration and life itself. As humans, we couldn't survive without it and its resources have always been of concern to us. However, scientists and doctors are beginning to believe that water has many more benefits than previously thought. Among the newly recognized benefits for water are its properties to aid in weight loss efforts. Contrary to the previous thought that water would add pounds, when you're attempting to lose weight, your water intake should not decrease but increase.

When your body is deprived of water, it mistakenly thinks that it needs food. Instead of sending thirst signals, most people's thirst mechanisms are so weak that their dehydration results in extreme hunger. This leads to binge-eating, causing the need for more hydration, which ends up in a vicious cycle of hunger and overeating. This mixture can lead to not only obesity, but other serious diseases such as diabetes or hypertension.

When your body does not have enough water, it goes into a mode of "conservation." This forces the body to retain the water you have in your system, giving you that bloated, puffy look. Most people consider using a diuretic or cutting down on water intake to solve this problem, but this is the exact opposite of what should be done. The only way to get rid of that unwanted water is to drink more water. Your body will realize it has more than enough water and shed the excess liquid in your system.

The kidneys are the main source of filtration for your body. When the kidneys don't have enough water to use for filtration, the liver is the "back-up plan" for removing toxins. The liver is responsible for metabolizing sugars and fat in your body, but when it is needed for filtering purposes, it can't properly metabolize fat, leading to weight gain. To alleviate stress from the liver while reducing body-fat, simply increase water intake.

The general rule of thumb for water consumption is eight glasses a day (eight ounces each). However, if you're trying to lose weight, you should increase this up to 80 ounces per day or ten glasses. If you drink alcohol or caffeine regularly, actively exercise, have high blood pressure, are at least 15 pounds overweight, or have a diet high in sugar, you should drink even more than that. Furthermore, the water you drink should be pure as to avoid introducing chemicals into your system. The water will keep you feeling full and your metabolism working at its optimal rate. Besides it obvious importance to your health, water may be the catalyst to weight loss many have been looking for.

For more information on where to get pure water and achieve your weight-loss efforts, visit http://www.puriteam.com/.

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Four Ways To Lose Weight Fast Without The Diet Pills

Are you fond of watching the Biggest Loser? Do you share the same pain and ache of dieting? Obesity indeed is a serious problem. Many of our health problems today are primarily or secondarily caused by obesity. Atherosclerosis, diabetes Mellitus and CHD are some of them. Obesity is a global problem and people need to understand its gravity in order to take the necessary actions today.

In response the nation's growing health problem, many diet modification programs are made available to the public. Some of them are effective and some of them are not. Many tried diet pills and gain instant results. However, the disadvantages of using diet pills to lose weight are its negative effect in the body. People who are using weight loss pill can experience severe skin reaction, insomnia, dry mouth, incontinence, muscle cramping and one of its deadliest effect - stroke.

The best way to lose weight indeed is to do it the natural way. Following are tips on how to lose weight fast without using the diet pills or weight loss pills.

Know What You Eat
Your first step to a healthy weight loss program is to examine yourself and assess your diet. Know what your typical meals are. It is helpful to have a food calendar or a meal calendar so that you will be able to record all the food that you take in for the day. Unhealthy diet is a major problem particularly in the western countries where fast foods are very rampant. You will see a couple of popular fast food just down the street. Remember that fast foods are mostly processed food. They often contain high levels of calories. One hamburger for lunch is already equivalent to 319.8kcal. An average male adult should only have 2550 amount of calories. What more if you are consuming two burgers with fries and ice cream both for lunch and dinner.

Drink Plenty Of Water
If drinking water is a burden to you, think of your body as a big tank. Imagine the tank being dumped with garbage every minute. If the garbage piles up, it will generate all sorts of pollutant and will even produce foul smell. Not drinking water is very dangerous. Water helps in flushing out toxins in the body. For this reason, health care providers are suggesting to drink eight glasses of water a day. Then again, don't limit yourself with just eight. The more water the better.

Eat Natural And Unprocessed Food
You are what you eat. If you are fond of eating junk foods, you will end up obese or if unlucky with all kinds of health disorders like skin disease, high blood and many more. If you want to lose weight, modify your diet. Nutritionists would recommend eating natural and unprocessed foods like carrot sticks, cucumber or cut up celery. These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals and they make you feel less hungry. So start living healthy and substitute your unhealthy snacks with foods vegetables or fruits.

Exercise Regularly
Aside from diet modification, lifestyle modification is also a big part of staying healthy. Sedentary lifestyle is a big NO. According one study conducted in one University in Hong Kong reveals that living a sedentary lifestyle is more perilous than smoking. It predisposes a person not just to be obese but also to suffer from respiratory diseases and to die from cancer. With that said, take time everyday to move around the house and to take long strides at the park.

Being overweight is not just embarrassing, it is also very dangerous. As much as possible, avoid taking diet pills and just go natural. Following these four simple ways to lose weight are safe and the effect is definitely long-term. Remember that living healthy is not just a two weeks program it is a lifestyle.

Lose 10 Pounds in 3 Days. Click on the link to determine the the most effective way to lose weight and keep it off for the rest of your life.

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Hoodia - What You Need to Know About This Appetite Suppressant to Lose Weight

What is it?

Hoodia is a plant grown in semi-desert areas in Africa, mainly the countries of South Africa and Namibia. It looks like cactus, but it is really a succulent plant. It is very difficult to cultivate since it needs specific conditions and a certain period to mature - about five years.

African bushmen used this plant for centuries to suppress appetite and thirst on long hunting trips. Natives use it in their struggle with starvation. Europeans discovered it about 1937. It was eventually adapted, and developed as an effective appetite suppressant.

They are thirteen types of this plant, but there is only one known to suppress appetite. This is hoodia gordonii.

It became available in 2004 as a weight loss product. It reduces appetite to fight overweight and obesity. The main form is an organic capsule or pill. Other forms of the plant on the market are liquid in juices, powder, teas, even lollipops. However, many of these are not certified to contain the genuine product.

Researchers found it safe as well as effective unlike other appetite suppressants before it. As a result, it caused much excitement in the diet world. Many people have since seen incredible weight loss from using this product.

How does it work?

We all know the big problem the overweight and dieters face is the hardship to curb their appetites. In order to lose weight, above all else, we need to eat less. So using an effective appetite suppressant plays a key role in our weight loss goals.

Scientists say hoodia gordonii has a special molecule called P57. This molecule deceives the brain into believing the stomach is full postponing hunger and graving for food. It is similar to glucose, but more powerful and almost free of calories.

Genuine producers use the core of the plant to make pure hoodia gordonii. This part of the plant has the active ingredients. Many products are just extracts, made from other parts of the plant, or mixed with other ingredients. These products are often cheap but ineffective. The product that works is usually expensive because it is scarce and hard to find.

How do you buy hoodia gordonii?

Hoodia gordonii is a very valuable commodity. The government in South Africa restricted the quantity exported. Be careful when you buy this product. You should look for these points to get the full effect:

* The producer uses the core of the plant.

* It is 100% pure hoodia gordonii, not a cheap extract.

* It is in pill or capsule form to get the right dosage.

* It is preferably from South Africa where harvesting conditions are ideal.

* It is tested and awarded the proper certification of authenticity.

Hoodia gordonii is undoubtedly an outstanding product to suppress your appetite--a vital part of your efforts to lose weight and look your best.

There is a unique hoodia product on the market today. The only one that is backed by some of the world's leading health professionals. It will start making you lose weight from the first dosage.

If you are serious about finding the most effective hoodia product to suppress your appetite and lose weight, go here http://weightlosssw71.info/

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3 Killer Fat Burning Exercises (Your Trainer Would Never Tell You)

Being overweight went out of fashion hundreds of years ago. Today, with the increase in heart related disorders and stamina issues, many people are paying more attention to the amount of fat which they carry. Special diet plans are common options in use today. However, although a good diet will undoubtedly help people burn fat, the results will be even more rapid and successful with the inclusion of fat burning exercises.

With the use of fat burning exercises, people will be able to increase the rate at which they burn off fat cells in the body. Excess body fat is actually made up of stored layers of calories which the body does not currently need. In order to burn of these fat reserves, people will therefore need to engage in exercises that require an active supply of calories. By exercising regularly, people will be able to increase the rate at which calories are burnt in their body. The increased daily activity will force the body to turn to its stored reserves for fuel. The following are some of the common exercise routines which can be used in burning fat.

Walking: Walking might seem an ordinary thing to do but it is very effective in burning of fat. People who simply take 30 minutes 3 times during the week can burn as much as 3 pounds. For even better measure, people can include walking into their daily routines. For instance, a simple stroll to the grocery store instead of driving down will allow your body to burn of more calories. Spending sometimes working in the garden or walking the dog is also a great way of burning of fat.

Swimming/Running: Engaging in cardio routines such as running and swimming are also great ways of burning of weight. However, because of the increased amount of muscles used and the high intensity of these exercises, these aerobic routines result in an even faster fat burn rate. People who swim or jog regularly will end up burning much of their fat reserves. Some other effective methods includes high tempo routines such as cycling, skipping and kayaking.

Resistance exercise routines: As fat burning exercises, the results of resistance exercise routines are not immediate. This is because they do not expend calories immediately but over a spread period of time. This is made possible because of the following.

With the use of resistance training routines, people can effectively build up most of their muscle tone and mass. Muscles however burn up calories simply by being there. Engaging in resistance training routines will therefore ensure that the body burns up even more fat during the day. This way, their bodies will be more likely to burn up many of the fat cells that are still in storage.

If you'd like to discover an even more powerful strategy to burn belly fat, check out my website where I'll show you the best fat burning exercises

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Top 10 Best Fat Burners


The New England Journal of Medicine reports 47g of soy protein (equivalent to 297g of tofu) daily cuts cholesterol by 23.2mg per decilitre of blood. Tofu contains calcium and iron, almost no sodium and hardly no saturated fat. A 2 1/2 square has 86 calories and nine grams of protein. (Experts suggest an intake of about 40 grams per day.)


As well as protein, fibre and carbs, lentils are a great source of molybdenum. This trace mineral helps the body convert carbs to energy more efficiently; 100g of lentils provides your RDA. They also are a good source of magnesium, which plays a role in relaxing the smooth muscles that line the inside of your arteries. This helps lower blood pressure and allows blood to flow more freely.


Pure filling protein, most of an egg's appetite-quenching vitamins A, D, E and K are in the yolk. A two egg breakfast cut US study subjects later calorie intake by 417. Also, the protein of whole eggs is more bio-available than egg whites alone due to a more balanced amino acid profile that the yolks help to build.


Even though these are typically thought of as a "fatty food", it's chock full of healthy fats! This fruit is super-high in mono-unsaturated fat, but also full of vitamins, minerals, micro-nutrients, and antioxidants. The good fats deriving from avocados promote weight loss as well as overall health. Due to its medicinal properties, avocados can fight and prevent many health problems like heart diseases, high blood pressure, cancer, macular degeneration and more.


Nuts are very good at burning fat. They are rich in fat, but this fat is good for you, because your body use it to syntheses hormones and to absorb vitamins like A, E, K etc. Nuts contain also fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. Nuts also maintain fat burning hormones, they fill you up quickly and keep you feeling full - suppressing your appetite. Nuts are perfect as a side order for a larger meal, a light snack (ditch those chips and crisps) or for desert.


A great protein source, rich in in soluble fibre. Chick peas, also known as garbanzo beans, are together with the whole legume family, one of the best foods you can eat for weight loss. Chickpeas as a fibre source helps regulate your blood fats. The high fiber prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, this being especially good for anyone with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia.


Your RDA of vitamin C is found in just 33g. Research shows that as vitamin C levels drop, waistlines increase, as less carnitine - which transports fat to be burnt - is produced. With lot's of dietary fiber, nutrients and protein, broccoli stands as one of the most nutritious and healthy foods we can eat. Many people eat broccoli raw with dips and in salad. It is recommended that for anyone with digestive problems or get digestive gas easily, broccoli should be steamed until easily digested.


I cannot understate the incredible fat burning power of a small bowl of oatmeal every morning. A bowl of oatmeal in the morning will make sure your body is burning fat consistently through the day.Oatmeal can help lower down your cholesterol level. It contains big amounts of soluble fiber that can also flush out the bad acids present in the stomach.

Go for unflavored and unsweetened oatmeal. Don't put too much sugar in your bowl either. If you want to sweeten your meal, add fruits to it instead. Apples, peaches, and banana are good suggestions.


Apples are rich in pectin; the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports upping your intake of this fruit derived fibre increases fat excretion by 44%. The antioxidants in apples may help prevent metabolic syndrome, a condition marked by excess belly fat or an apple body shape. Apples also keep your blood sugar high longer than most foods. This means that you feel and stay satisfied for a longer period when you eat apples.


Cinnamon is one of the most overlooked, under used and healthiest spice in the world. Yes, cinnamon is a spice that almost everyone loves, and can actually help you lose weight. Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol. The truth is, however, that cinnamon is one of the most potently thermogenic foods, making it an ideal flavor to add to your treats to maximize fat loss and ultimately help you to get sexy abs.

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Combine Cardio Workouts to Maximize Fat Loss

Cardiovascular exercise is an extremely important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. For those that are on a mission to lose fat it can drastically increase your fatloss. The most effective cardio for fat loss not only has the capability to burn a substantial amount of calories, but if completed effectively, it can turn one's body into a fat torching machine. Following we'll talk about the pros and negative aspects of various types of cardio workouts and then we'll tell you the way to combine them to make the best cardio for fat loss.

Distance cardio for losing weight

We need to talk about distance running foremost as it is often the default cardiovascular exercise that people use to lose weight. You can find a number of factors why it is so well known. First off, virtually anybody can do it. All you need to do is get a pair of good jogging sneakers and hit the pavement (or treadmill ). In addition, distance jogging can melt away a significant quantity of calories when used frequently.

The shortcomings to distance running for weight loss

There are actually two main factors why distance running just isn't the most beneficial cardio for fat loss. The main reason is that doing lengthy bouts of distance jogging can cause your body to start craving carbs. Distance running will significantly wipe out a person's body of glycogen. When this happens, you brain signals that you have to rebuild your glycogen by consuming a lot more carbs. This is troublesome in that consuming a massive dish of noodles can more or less eliminate any caloric deficit you were trying to generate by jogging to begin with.

The second rationale why long distance jogging may not be the top cardio for weight loss is that it can do some severe harm to your joints. Pretty much each long distance runner I know was out of commission for weeks at a stretch due to knee, ankle, or hip pain, and when these injuries occur, there is hardly anything you can do but sit until the pain heal. Obviously, injuries are not great for fat loss or cardio workouts.

High Intensity Interval Training

High intensity interval training (HIIT) has increased in popularity considerably during the last decade for many reasons. HIIT workouts are excellent at switching on your fat burners, they take much less time than distance running, they do not trigger hunger cravings, plus they result in considerably fewer injuries. HIIT is also considerably more varied than long distance running as there are dozens of unique ways to HIIT, but really about only two ways to carry out long distance jogging, outside or with a treadmill.

HIIT means performing brief bursts of strenuous activity combined with a duration of rest prior to repeating the rigorous exercise.

Let's have a look at sprints to give an example of what a HIIT interval is like. A high intensity sprint interval would be like this:

Interval: Sprint for fifteen seconds
Active rest: Walk for 60 seconds
Repeat as required.

HIIT Workout Variables

One of the best components of HIIT is it may be modified to suit your needs based on your level of fitness or the kind of exercise you might be doing. As an example, if you're a novice then you may want to shorten the length of the intensive interval, or you might extend the rest period. The above example utilizes a 1:4 ratio indicating the active rest period is 4x longer in comparison to the interval. You could modify that ratio to be 1:3, 1:2, or 1:1.

Altering the aspects in the training session will alter how your body reacts to the training. Reduced intervals with longer rest periods will permit you to be far more intense as you may exert greater effort all through the interval. Greater intensity is good for launching HGH into your circulatory system. HGH is a hormone that tells the body to discharge stored fat cells to be utilized as energy, an crucial component of using cadio for fat loss.

Lengthier intervals make it a lot more challenging to sustain high intensity, but they will also burn a lot more calories in the course of the workout. Should you use longer intervals, then it's recommended that you utilize a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 to prevent over training and make sure that you allow yourself sufficient time to recover to maintain the exercise intensity.

Body Weight Cardio Workout

Body weight workout is a unique kind of cardio that mixes six to eight diverse bodyweight exercises into a circuit that is then repeated a couple of times. This kind of training has many of the same positive aspects as HIIT with the difference that a number of body weight sessions need a minimal amount of equipment, such as a pull up bar or stability ball. It's also different because it utilizes resistance training as a component of the cardio workout.

The idea behind a body weight cardio workout is to go from one exercise immediately to the next with no rest. Then, once you have finished the complete circuit, rest for a minute and repeat the whole circuit once again. The circuit is usually completed up to three times. A circuit might incorporate exercises like lunges, push-ups, squats, etc.

Contrasting HIIIT and Body Weight Sessions

Body weight workouts result in an intense training session that releases HGH and burns a significant quantity of calories, but they're distinct from HIIT workout sessions in some crucial ways. Body weight sessions present a complete body workout while HIIT is focused on only 1 exercise. There's also a distinction in intensity. Body weight sessions are generally developed to alternate between pushing and pulling actions of various muscles to ensure that you are able to maintain some intensity all through the circuit but your intensity will diminish substantially throughout the routine. This is since bodyweight circuits only allow for very few extremely brief rest periods.

The best Cardio for Fat burning

The best cardio for fat loss would be to develop a routine that will implement all three varieties of cardio explained above. Here is specifically how this can be done.

Exercise routine 1: Mix HIIT with Distance Running

Maximize your fat loss by pairing HIIT with long distance running. Commence off by finishing a 15 minute HIIT routine. Then go for a nice slow jog for twenty - thirty minutes dependant upon your fitness level. In this way the HIIT increases the HGH in your body which results in more fat cells introduced into your system. Then you eliminate that fat by doing a long jog.

Soon after the workout, make an effort to steer clear of a meal heavy in carbs. Stay away from pasta and rice. This will keep your insulin levels decreased which will enable you to burn off fat for hours after your exercise session.

Training session 2: Body weight cardio circuit

Body weight workouts will add on resistance training to your cardiovascular fat burning plan. This is fantastic in that it will assist you to produce a nice tier of muscle under your unwanted fat merely ready to be shown to the planet.

Jeremy Koch is the author of the health and fitness blog, the Self Health Atlas. His goal is to consolidate the best health and fitness information in an easy to navigate format that will empower you to achieve your health and fitness goals. Check out his blog today at http://www.selfhealthatlas.com/.

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The Fitness and Nutrition Grind - Tips to Staying on Track

You've started your new healthy regimen and you're excited to look and feel better. Now the key is sticking to it. Life can throw you a curve ball or two so staying on track can be harder than you planned for. Consistency to weight loss, energy gains and overall health is a key factor if you're going to see success. The guidelines below give you a basic set of tools to use in everyday life that will help keep you motivated and in your healthy mindset.

Set short and long term goals that are truly attainable. Don't be unrealistic with your goals. Failing will only send you on a path to destruction. Instead, set goals that you know you can achieve in a reasonable amount of time.

Chart your progress on a daily and weekly basis to help you understand what is working for you and what is not. This relates to both nutrition and fitness. Charting your progress will give you the opportunity to make small changes to your plan as you go. It's okay to adjust if you find that something may work better. Remember, keep this experience positive and don't place limitations on yourself.

Variety, balance, and moderation are key in your diet. If you want to indulge in your favorite meal it is ok every once in a while. You should incorporate all of the food groups into your meal plan for a healthy diet. Use a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains to provide different flavors in your meals to keep them interesting.

Add as much color to every single meal as you can. This ensures that you will get plenty of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Protein, carbohydrates, and fat should be included at every meal for a balance to keep you feeling full until your next meal. This will prevent mindless snacking or just choosing what ever is readily available from a vending machine.

Continue to use your food journal; this will allow you to be aware of any unnecessary calories putting a halt on your progress. Also, it will make you think twice before putting a particular food in your mouth, knowing you will have to record it later.

When eating out look for eating out restaurant guides online or preview the menu online first. This will allow you to pre-plan the meal you're going to order and ensure it is healthy and within your calorie range. Additionally, once you arrive, you could look for the healthiest menu item, most restaurants provide a salad with grilled chicken or shrimp that you can pair with other healthy options, or you could ask to have your meal prepared using a healthy cooking method, baking, grilling, poaching, or steaming.

Investing in a lunch box is ideal. Packing your lunch and snacks for work or traveling will ensure that you will always have portioned healthy food available.

Plan to move you body every single day. This doesn't mean you need to do 7 intense workouts in a week but try to plan some type of fitness each day. Your house, the park and the beach are all no or low cost places that can be turned into your personal gym. Exercise tapes, studios in your area, and personal trainers are great ways to make sure your workouts are what you love. Working with a partner holds you accountable and will make you work harder. You should continue to exercise for at least 30 minutes to one hour per day.

Most importantly, have fun with health and fitness. Make sure you are enjoying the process by eating foods that you love and not depriving yourself completely as well as involving yourself in fitness activities that inspire you and make you want to come back for more.

Margot Rutigliano is the owner of Vita Vie Retreat. She has been a fitness trainer, wellness coach and healthy living adviser since 1999. Vita Vie Retreat is a fitness retreat offering healthy lifestyle transformation programs for men and women of all ages and fitness levels. For more information or to contact Ms. Rutigliano, please visit http://www.bvretreat.com/.

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